
WATCH: Q&A from "The Coddling" Movie Premiere

Featuring Greg Lukianoff, Saeed Malami, Anthony Rodriguez, Karith Foster, and Courtney and Ted Balaker

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Karith Foster introduces The Coddling of the American Mind movie at the Fine Arts Theater in Beverly Hills

Each film project has its unforgettable moments. And for Team Coddling Movie, our Beverly Hills premiere was one of those. Four hundred people packed the theater, and what an interesting mix of folks it was.


The whole night was electric. The crowd really connected to the movie—gasping and laughing at all the right spots. And, as is the case with so many memorable nights, it included plenty of stimulating conversation.

Please enjoy the post-screening Q&A featuring the emcee of the evening, Karith Foster (we profiled her in Can We Take a Joke?), as well as interview subjects

(who, of course, also co-authored the book), , and Saeed Malami, along with Courtney and me.

The video includes a fairly long free preview, but we’ve reserved the full experience as a thank you to our paid subscribers, folks like

, who help make nights like these possible.

For more Coddling moving pictures, see below for our large and growing library of DVD Extras.

“Excellent” (Steven Pinker, Harvard psychologist), “Terrific” (Michael Smerconish, CNN), “Great. Important. Eye-opening” (Chris Gore, Film Threat)

If you’d like to help spread The Coddling movie’s message of antifragility, free speech, and hope:


DVD Extras from “The Coddling” Movie

Most of our extras are reserved for paying subscribers who support our impact campaign, but some, including the first three, are free. Enjoy!

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